Sideline Christianity and promote Islam! says Hazel Blears, Communities Secretary (Labour)

Labour in bed with Islam - This is unbelievable. I was reading this very good article regarding the real and present threats to Western Civilisation from Islam and Marxist Liberal Insects called The Execution of Britain from Brussels Journal when I came upon this article in the Telegraph. And what the hell is a Communities Secretary anyway?

It is “common sense” for Christianity to be sidelined at the expense of Islam, a Government minister claimed on Sunday.

Hazel Blears, the Communities Secretary, defended Labour’s policy on religion after a report backed by the Church of England claimed that Muslims receive a disproportionate amount of attention.

She said it was right that more money and effort was spent on Islam than Christianity because of the threat from extremism and home-grown terrorism.

She really believes promoting Islam and marginalising Christianity will be good for Britain? It has to be said, that Islam and Sharia Law are incompatible with British Law and Christianity. Yes yes I know, Britain is secular now. That isn’t the point, the point is Christianity was like a godfather to Britain, helping it grow and resist subversion from foreign cultures and beliefs, something to be respected even in the eyes of a ‘non-believer’ like me) as opposed to the socialist (Labour party) and communism as described below:

Gary Allan in his multimillion best seller None Dare Call It Conspiracy, states the following about Marx’s Communist Manifesto:

“If you study Marx Communist Manifesto you will find that in essence Marx said the proletarian revolution would establish the Socialist dictatorship of the proletariat. To achieve the Socialist dictatorship of the proletariat, three things would have to be accomplished. 1. The elimination of all right to private property. 2. The dissolution of the family unit: and 3. Destruction of what Marx referred to as the ‘opiate of the people,’ ‘Religion.

Back to the socialists in power today.

She added: “We live in a secular democracy. That’s a precious thing. We don’t live in a theocracy, but we’ve always accepted that hundreds of thousands of people are motivated by faith. We live in a secular democracy but we want to recognise the role of faith.”

I see this as slightly strange. One minute stating government secularism and in the same breath advocating for the active promotion of a foreign religion, using taxpayers money that invariably will come from Christians in the country as well as many others who may not particularly want Islam promoted in their community. I guess that makes them ‘racist’ right?

The liberal Leftist Communists deem it appropriate to try and reduce the influence of Christianity, with taxpayers money, and without taxpayer’s permission. Religious communism? Two diametrically opposed religions placed at even keel with each other in the same country. No… that won’t create any problems… Our Marxist theory book says so! And if there are any problems, we can just strengthen the police state and strip you ALL of more rights in response. Religious Collectivism then;

As The Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday, the landmark report commissioned by the Church and written by academics at the Von Hugel Institute accuses ministers of paying only “lip service” to Christianity and marginalising the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches, while focusing “intently” on Islam.

Well, if the BBC was anything to go by, this should have been seen coming years ago with that memo in 2006

The admissions of bias were made at a recent “impartiality” summit the BBC held. Most executives admitted the corporation’s representation of homosexuals and ethnic minorities was unbalanced and disproportionate, said. The British news agency, the report said, leaned too strongly towards political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism, anti-Americanism and discrimination against the countryside.

This is not new mind you, it is just that the government is getting so confident in its power over the people that members of it will begin saying openly what they have actually done for years. But even that should come as much of a surprise to those who have studied the Barcelona Declaration, the Euro-Mediterranean Project and the conclusion of Eurabia.

The article continues;

However Malaysia’s Prime Minister warned yesterday that Muslim extremism in Britain will grow unless the Government and society learn to understand Islam.

Abdullah Badawi claimed that the legacy of Britain’s imperial past has hampered its ability to appreciate its Islamic population.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the prime minister urged Gordon Brown to allow the country’s Muslims to live under Islamic law, but also said that they must prove their worth to society.

My emphasis. What else could allowing a foreign people to live under a foreign law system in a sovereign land mean? Somebody please tell me I’m not over-reacting here! The Muslims Against Sharia site correctly states;

Islam, in its present form, is not compatible with principles of freedom and democracy.

It would need to change to match the host country. That is how it usually works. Changing or attempting to change the host county’s culture, heritage or laws can be construed an act of aggression. The government knowingly facilitating such actions must be held to account for Treason. As it should have been done many times already.

P.S. I notice that the methodoloy utilised by the Lefties in power (Muslim = Victims, Britain = Oppressor) is exactly the same as the one used by Feminists (Women = Victim, Men = Oppressor), Socialists/ Communists (Working class – Victim, Middle Class = Oppressor),  Environmentalists (Earth = Victim, Civilisation (minus elite) = Oppressor), and generally any other special interest (usually minority) group that wants to exert power over a majority, and Labour is always there to lend a helping hand.

2 thoughts on “Sideline Christianity and promote Islam! says Hazel Blears, Communities Secretary (Labour)

  1. actually, Britain isn’t “secular now”, far from it, even farther than the US. Christianity is the established religion of Britain and the head of state is also the head of the official Christian Church.

    Something people like to forget, what with the CofE’s wee troubles of late.

    I’ve been wondering for some time what the Queen is going to do when the Church of which she is head goes completely kablooie, though.

    But no. Britain is not “secular now”, not with an established Christian church or when the overwhelming majority of her population actually still declares itself to be Christian.

    You’d be amazed what you can find outside the Orbital.

  2. So is Hazel Blears gonna run out and get fitted for a burkha?
    Or is all her bellyaching just for show?

    Maybe she’s just trying to get in good with her Muslim overlords now before the eventual dhimmitude of England….

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