Gordon Brown’s Downfall

Thanks to Damo Mackerel for these two videos. These videos are closer to the truth than you me think.

This is the prequel to the original Gordon Brown Downfall. This one focuses on the events that took place at the Glasgow East By-Election on polling day.

Hitler-Brown reacts to the latest By-Election results in Glasgow East.

It should not be illegal to discriminate against white men

So says the Minister for Equality, Harriet (Feminist/ Communist Scum) Harman.

White men could be legally blocked from getting jobs under new anti-discrimination laws being considered by Labour.

Employers would be able to give jobs to women or ethnic minority candidates in preference to other applicants, under the plans unveiled by equalities minister Harriet Harman.

If two candidates were equally qualified for a position, employers would be able to reject the white person or the man in favour of a black person or a woman.

When they say black person, they actually mean non-white, as this fucking scum of a government, in its never ending quest for division and conflict, keeps trying to separate the people into groups, which they can then set into opposition.

Miss Harman – known as Harriet Harperson for her politically correct views – wants to look at how to bring U.S.-style “positive action” to Britain, saying it is vital to ensure the workforce more accurately reflects the demographic make-up of the population.

She says too many women and people from ethnic minorities are being held back because they cannot break through the “glass ceiling”.

Who let this stupid bitch into Westminster? Oh yeah, Gordon Brown. These commie-femcunts are obsessed with attacking the main demographic of western countries. Disenfranchise them, and the country is yours… Continue reading

BREAKING NEWS- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE!: Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits

Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.
I beg your pardon?

The outcome will chiefly benefit Muslim men with more than one wife, as is permitted under Islamic law. Ministers estimate that up to a thousand polygamous partnerships exist in Britain, although they admit there is no exact record.

To continue the attack on Britain’s heritage and culture. To undermine this country for its dissolution this year. But no body wants to believe me. Oh wait, can’t talk now, TV is on!

Income support for all of the wives may be paid directly into the husband’s bank account, if the family so choose. Under the deal agreed by ministers, a husband with multiple wives may also be eligible for additional housing benefit and council tax benefit to reflect the larger property needed for his family.

More burden on the taxpayer and more actions indicating Gordon Brown’s real attitude towards Britain. Continue reading

Gordon Brown is a Marxist clown

I keep coming across articles about this Labour government speaking of it’s incompetence, ‘it’s missing the point, ineptitude, not listening to the people‘ etc.

You see speeches of Gordon Brown, speaking of the ‘new invigorated Labour’, making it the party for the people, accountable to the people on the one hand, and trying to secretly sell Britain’s sovereignty to Brussels on the other. That is of course, continuing on from Tony Blair’s legacy of signing over chunks of this country to the EU too.

The articles lament on how ‘Brown isn’t listening, poor us!’ and other defeatist nonsense, some even going to far as to criticise the New World Order puppet. But they are all missing the point.

People don’t want to admit it, and even those that do seem to have their views restricted by the mind control of political correctness, but the truth is Gordon Brown couldn’t give a fuck about Britain or the people in it. He answers to the Bilderberg Group, just like that other minion, Blair did. Continue reading