Teach gay sex to under 11s, say researchers

Source: Daily Mail

Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.

Heads of the project have set themselves a goal of ‘creating primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated’.

The ambition was revealed in documents prepared for the No Outsiders project run by researchers from universities and backed with £600,000 of public money provided by the Economic and Social Research Council.

The stated purpose of the project – which is operating in 14 primary schools – is to stop bullying and prejudice aimed at homosexuals.

However, at a seminar at Exeter University tomorrow, supporters of the group will go beyond the anti-bullying agenda and discuss ‘pleasure and desire in educational contexts’.

A document prepared for the seminar and couched in convoluted academic jargon says: ‘The team is concerned to interrogate the desexualisation of children’s bodies, the negation of pleasure and desire in educational contexts, and the tendency to shy away from discussion of (sexual) bodily activity in No Outsiders project work. Continue reading

Married teaching assistant who groomed student walks free from court.

One guess what sex this ‘teaching assistant’ was…

Source: Daily Mail

A married teaching assistant who fell in love with a teenage pupil escaped jail yesterday because their affair stopped short of sex.

Lindsey Jane Collett, 26, had sent the 16-year-old boy saucy text messages and a photograph of herself wearing a bra featuring children’s TV character SpongeBob SquarePants.

The pregnant mother of two had become friendly with the pupil when she was helping him to catch up on coursework, Bridlington magistrates were told.

They began communicating through the social networking website Facebook and met up in a park for a ‘kiss and cuddle’, the court heard.

One text she sent the teenager read: ‘Every time you touch me you turn me on. When I see you I feel light-headed.’ Another told him that she loved him.

Yesterday, Collett sobbed hysterically as she admitted a charge of abusing a position of trust between October and February.

She is still with her husband, who has stood by her throughout.

Passing sentence, magistrate Robin Sunley said the court took into account her guilty plea. Her position at the school would ‘usually make the offence more serious’, he added.

‘However, having listened to the evidence, we consider the physical contact to be minimal.’

The boy, who is now 16, was not in court and cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Magistrates also ruled that the school, in East Yorkshire, should not be named. The court was told that the teenager and the teaching assistant had an inappropriate relationship lasting about four months. Continue reading

Mathematics – The Final Frontier In The Feminist War Against Boys

By Philip Jones

Last week, The Associated Press proudly reported that in the `largest` study of it’s kind, where Mathematics is concerned, girls are now as `tough` as boys. This last bastion of male dominance in education has been breached. Janet Hyde, of the University of Wisconsin Madison, who led the study said, ” Girls have now achieved gender parity on standardised Maths Tests”.

This relentless war on all fronts against the masculine has been raging for many decades now, not least in our schools and universities. I find myself asking “What is the `Femi` Brigade’s` Endgame” ?. Is it to grow a penis on a baby girl and thus perfect the androgynous being they seem intent on creating by all means at their disposal ?

Before I digress and go off on one of my `rants`, let’s examine this business with maths and education more closely. As some might know by now, I am British, so I will continue this article based on what is happening in my own sad country.

In August, when the GCSE results come out, it is highly likely that, once again, girls will have beaten the boys at the examination game.

For years now, girls have been taking the lion’s share of success in public examinations. This year’s A and AS-level results were further evidence of the trend. Girls out-performed boys in almost every subject.

They took nearly 47,000 more subjects than boys at A-level, and nearly 91,000 more at AS level. And in both exams, they achieved a higher proportion than boys of A grades in almost every subject.

Of course, it is good news that girls are doing so well. But it is worrying that boys seem to be slipping further and further behind. For this trend isn’t confined to the high-fliers passing exams. At the bottom of the system, the drop-out rate among boys is causing serious concern.

The reason is nothing other than the wholesale feminisation of the education system. In GCSEs, A-levels and – increasingly – degree courses too, coursework accounts for an ever greater proportion of the final marks. This in itself favours girls.

Boys tend to like ‘sudden death’ exams. They like taking risks, pitting their wits against the odds. Girls don’t. They prefer to work steadily and conscientiously without gambling against memory, the clock and questions from hell. Which is why at degree level boys have until now achieved more firsts and thirds than girls who tend to get safe, if dull, seconds. Continue reading

Schools used for ‘social engineering’, claims headteacher

To be expected with Socialists who wish to re-design society around the worship of the State.

Source: Telegraph

A leading headmaster who is leaving one of the most popular schools in the state system to work in the private sector has accused the Government of turning teachers into “social workers and surrogate parents”.

Rod MacKinnon, the head of Bexley Grammar School, south-east London, said schools were being forced to shun traditional lessons as ministers manipulated the education system for the purposes of “social engineering”.

“There are those who wish to use children and schools as social engineers with a view to creating a different society but we should not even be trying to do such things,” he said. “Children need to be nurtured, educated and cared for, not thrown into the frontline of social reform. Muddled thinking is guaranteeing failure for the noble aspirations we all commonly hold for the education of the young.”

The children are the nations’ next generation. By propagandising and brainwashing them, you can achieve massive social changes in a matter of decades. As long as the State can keep it up long enough for the older generations to die out or leave without a revolution, they could theoretically achieve their Orwellian Dream. Children now growing up believing that they are a cancer of the planet, State surveillance is necessary, (perceived) security is more important than Freedom, and that War is Peace. Can you see it?

Boys need to be taught separately from the age of five

Daily Mail

Boys need to be taught separately from girls from the age of five to prevent them being damaged by the education system, an expert claimed yesterday.

Dr Leonard Sax argues that boys are “turned off” by starting formal education too soon when they are expected to sit down and keep quiet in class.

And, because they develop at different rates to girls, they can be discouraged from learning while very young when sat alongside female classmates.

Dr Sax, a research psychologist in the U.S., claims this has led to an epidemic of unmotivated boys and under-achieving young men.

He said: “With boys you have to start right away. If you wait until secondary school, you have waited too long. From the age of five, there are clear advantages in all-boys’ education when teachers know how to take advantage of it.”

You can thank feminism for this. The meddling idiots who believe the differences between boys and girls is down to nurture and not nature. Boys acting like boys would then be called ‘testosterone poisoning‘ as the best way for children to act is like girls. (You see, women are superior to men in feminism). That’s one way to emasculate the next generation… Continue reading