The Misogynist

What is misogyny? A few points from Wikipedia:

1. It is a hatred or strong prejudice against women and is a viewpoint that can be held by both men and women. Where would that come from?

2. Misogyny can be traced back to the origins of Modern civilization, such as in Greece and Judea, in which stories and legends on the Fall of Man into a world of tragedy and death had been brought about by a woman. Where would that come from?

Stories of women ruining the lives and powers of Men go back into antiquity. Why?

When Weininger says, “No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.” Why?

Where does this ‘misogyny’ come from and what is it really?

Imagine yourself, as a younger man, before your life experiences taught you better. How did you perceive women? In the Western world, you were probably brought up to see girls as ‘sugar and spice’, boys of course, just ‘puppy dogs’ tails’.

This conveniently sets up a hierarchy between young girls and boys which goes something like this:

Girls = Good
Boys = Not good

Boys consequently are taught that it is down to him to get the girl. She is wonderful and great, lovely and caring, pretty and warm and she is worth the effort because when you get her she will make your life amazing. You have to admit, it’s a pretty good pitch.

In the same breath, society (through the media, parenting and schooling) will impart to the girls, statements such as ‘you’re so pretty, all the boys will be climbing over each other to hold your hand’, ‘you’re a princess!’ and ‘you can get any guy you want.’

None of which sounds particularly oppressive in my opinion. Well not for the girls anyway.

So these boys become young men. These young men go into teenage life worshipping the female. They look at her little cute mannerisms, the way she plays with her hair, the sound of her laughter, the twinkle in her eyes when she smiles.

They are smitten with them, with their femininity and with their differences. It doesn’t take a lot of coersion to convince young men that they will do almost anything to court, win over and protect their woman. He wants her to be happy, because her happiness is his happiness.

Up to now, misogyny doesn’t exist. Therefore something must happen between believing girls are great, to thinking girls suck.

Something these men wouldn’t want to happen, but it is done to them anyway. Things that seem to go against what he thought growing up. He tries to understand why the girls of his younger dreams are behaving in such a bad way. ‘What would she do that for?’ They ask themselves.

Eventually these bad experiences wear men down until, for their own survival, they must finally, against all desires and wishes, against genetic imperative and dreams, push women away and keep them there, for whenever they let these women, these predators near, they always want to lash out with a knife to his heart.

This weapon, forged from narcissisim, dissimulation, selfishness and a whole host of other traits and then sharpened by feminism and corporatism hides behind almost every modern ’empowered’ womans’ back. This weapon that men throughout history have been on the receiving end of seems to come naturally to ‘the fairer sex.’ It grows from their beliefs in their own immunity from their behaviour. The separation of consequences to their actions, which seems to ’empower’ them to show their true nature.

And no matter how feminists try to twist it, misogyny is a reaction, not an action. It is a self-defence mechanism when all else fails. It also serves to force women into a postion of realisation. Men can hold women accountable through misogyny. When a man says ‘fuck women, they make me sick,’ how many people ask him ‘why do they make you sick?’

Most men do not need to ask, they already know.

The feminist usage of misogyny is a feeble attempt at turning a female-created reaction in men, to a label of dishonour that men should avoid (and conveniently distracts cause and effect again). Of course, the behaviour of these women hasn’t improved, it has worsened. If anything, misogyny is needed now more than ever.

I’m a misogynist. Hatred of women? No. Awareness of the evils of women. Yes.

Women have many evils. They have exibited them throughout history. Hence the ancient stories involving them in ‘misogynist’ ways (read: accountable).

A man who has had nothing but wonderful, productive and trusting experiences of women will not have bad things to say about them. But don’t count on meeting many of them any time soon.

Nowadays, the term is used by anyone to try and silence them. The slightest hint of a man calling a woman a name or holding her to account is met with cries of ‘woman hater’ and ‘misogynist pig’.

What they are really saying is ‘how dare you call bullshit on women’s behaviour! How dare you voice your disapproval! We are princesses, goddesses and queens!

We Do No Wrong.

The fact remains. Misogynists are created by women. Men have cautious attitudes to women because women forced them to. Misogyny is a symptom of our time. To be one only means you have experienced what most men have experienced.

Never allow women to define you or your views, for, like a singularity, she will only distort and twist reality beyond sense and logic, to the extent where all space-time paths lead to Her.

Remember: Action – Reaction.

And no amount of self-aggrandisement is going to change that.

41 thoughts on “The Misogynist

  1. These women are totally nuts. They get a free pass and life but still complain, if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth.

  2. Your post is full of lies and generalizations, because you have an agenda, which is to spread the unfounded hate and distrust of women. No, girls do not grow up being told they are princesses, where is your research to prove this? I certainly wasn’t. Misogyny, or the hate of woman, simply for being a woman, exists, and in my opinion it comes from the religions of the desert. Slut shaming, dumb blonde, whore, etc. You cannot expect to be taken seriously with the sweeping generalizations you make such as ‘evils of women’ etc.

    If you had your heart broken, you have to recover from it. I have had my heart broken by many a men, but I don’t go around hating all manking because of it. People are people, individuals, all different, and you can’t make generalizations based on which set of reproductive organs they have.

    Yes there are evil people, both male and female. And there are good people, male and female.

  3. Just in case people are wondering (women mainly). Misogyny is not hatred of women, just ‘general distrust’ of women.

    This assumes that you shouldn’t worship the ground they walk on. If you think that is wrong, then go fuck yourselves. I mean, equal treatment right, you earn respect and trust, just like men have to.

    Just deal with it, ladies. And while we’re at it, pay your half of the bill.

  4. If they’ve got the goods, then I can’t hate them all can I? I can be wary, scared, scarred, fearful and downright suspicious of their reptilian ways…but no I can’t say in all honesty that I hate women in general. Smoking is probably the only metaphor I can use for women. Not ,Smoking Kills or Tobacco is toxic but more, Smoking is addictive. I want that tantalizing buzz in my protaste. I want to grab that often ungiven fruit. Taste and touch it. But I digress. What I really want is to get into a boxing ring with them. Give them extra padding to even it up, but generally they have to fight physically, the way they do verbally..i mean really, if I had an equivalent verbal exchange with another man it wouldve ended in blows.So come on girls, stop hiding behind your ‘femaleness’ and step into the ring.

  5. Oh, and by the way, if you BOYS had actually done any homework, you would know how true feminism means equal opportunities, rights, and status for ALL, regardless of gender, race, or background, douchebags…

  6. Oh, and by the way, if you had actually done your homework, you would know how true feminism means equal rights and opportunities for ALL, regardless of gender, race, background exc.

  7. So what, are you implying prejudice does not run both ways in regards to gender? Being FEMALE, I cannot deny there are manipulative, cruel, and conniving females in the world, with my aunt being a fine example. But exactly how old are you? At least 20, give a decade or two at the most? First of all, you are an ADULT, and should know by now life isn’t always fun and bliss, it HURTS. And as an ADULT, you are by now capable (or at least ought to be…) of functioning without breaking down into tears every time life doesn’t go as planned. It is not the world’s job, nor women’s, to breastfeed you everytime YOU GET HURT. GROW UP, GET OUT, MOVE ON. And stop projecting your disillusioned and pathetically self-pitying views to mold EVERY woman just because you have happened to have some bad experiences. WAKE UP, for you are not the only one to have had those!

    P.S. Tell me, for I am so VERY curious, have you ever stopped and looked back that maybe JUST maybe, you are the one with the problem, not those women? You sound JUST like the archtypical nice guy, being so nice and all, though not because you are a decent human being, but rather because of your curtousy and being *so nice*, you demand something in return. HELLO!!!!It’s no wonder you have had such HORRIBLE experinces, they grew tired and pissed of at your misogynist and self-pitying bullshit! Why don’t you try growing up and actually caring for others beacuse it the **right** thing to do, not because you expect it in return. Who knows, you might actually run into a genuinly nice woman who genuinly cares for you, sometimes it HAPPENS!

    P.S.S. Why don’t you try checking out the website, it might do you all whole lotta good.

  8. I’m all for accountability, but it has to go both ways. Do men create misandry because women have bad experiences with men and learn to mistrust them? If you believe that, then good. How many women beat, rape and murder men? Some, sure, but nowhere near the amount of men who do these things to women. How many times have you been harassed on the street by a carload of women? I’m guessing never.

    I have been stalked, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed and beaten by various men over the course of my life. I have also had many great male friends, and my partner is an amazing man whom I love. So, see, after many difficult experiences with men I was able to realize that while SOME men are douchebags, I should not hate ALL men for it. All I ask is that you show women that same courtesy.

    Also, what are these ‘negative experiences’ you have with the ladies? It seems oh so very vague to me.

  9. Yeah you’re right. I do have issues. Issues with a fascist police state, rapidly eroding freedoms, a criminal cartel of bankers and politicians looking to create a one world government, and the deliberate deconstruction of society by those parties for the purposes of easier social engineering and enslavement of people like you and me.

    You’re not crashing anyone’s party, if I thought that there wouldn’t be comments would there lol

    And actually, apart from the coming global Marxo-fascism, carbon taxes, panoptic technocracy and global eugenics I’m pretty cheerful.

    I never assumed you to be skanky. I don’t assume negative opinions of people without information to suggest it. That wouldn’t be logical.

    People start off at zero. Men and women, as opposed to back in the day when men would initially regard women as +10, metaphorically speaking…

    I never said there was anything wrong with a man treating a woman like a lady. A man can do whatever he likes, it’s none of my business. This isn’t like feminism, whereby a bunch of trumped up fat ugly lesbians get off on dictating to the female populations how to live their lives to the Marxist ideal. But don’t be surprised if a woman a man is dating turns out to be a screw-up.

    The proportion of ‘ladies’ is inversely proportionate to the trash on the corporate media.

  10. Oh, and BTW… are soooo blind, if you think that so many poor guys just try and try, and these hateful, awful women just keep stomping on them……talk about victim stance….LMAO!

    There are EQUALLY just as many assholes out there, that hurt women, rape women, beat them, lie, cheat all that…..I suppose the women deserve that, huh?

    You have to sift through A LOT of shit in life to get to the good, and that includes finding good relationships…..BOTH men and women have EQUALLY hard times finding a good mate….that’s called life. Grow up and deal with it. No one lays their jackets in mud puddles anymore…..but there is NOTHING wrong with a man who treats a woman like a lady……I’m sorry, but when I meet a man I don’t want to hear a belch and a slap on the back as he yells “How the hell are ya!”…….geez, lighten up. life ain’t that bad…..

    But, when you do find the one, the bitterness in your heart goes away…..

    I don’t believe you have found the one……you are wayyyy too angry.

  11. Dude, all I got to say is you have issues …..I’m sorry you are so miserable.

    Women had to strive hard to get to where we are today (equal pay, etc.) and there is not a damn thing wrong with that.

    I came across this blog a few days ago, my hubby read it, shaking his head. He says you sound scary.

    I think you just sound extremely angry and have to learn to let go of it.

    Sometimes you just gotta let go and let God.

    Your hostile attitude is clear as a bell. I apologize I crashed your party, being one of those skanky women who hasn’t “earned” your respect…LOL! Good luck with that……I’m sure your chick just loves ya to death, being you are such a nice guy and all…..

  12. Soooo, some of you that are whining about your awful experiences with women, do you not think women have had awful experiences with men?

    Now now, this has a condescending tone. Whining? Men here are merely voicing their experiences with women. Don’t belittle non-females talking about such things, you don’t have the monopoly on it. I guess men should just ‘get on with it’ right? Like when women use children as weapons and fathers don’t get to see their own kids for a decade?

    I spent 5 years with a man who had similar views are you guys . He broke my nose twice, smashed my face (fractured in 14 places) blackmailed me, and so on and so on. I finally left him, but not without having to file a restraining order, and put him in jail twice. He ended up doing a year after he got caught trying to break into my place.

    Firstly, don’t even think about comparing men who read or post on this blog to violent abusive scum. I don’t agree with people attacking others expect in self defence, not that it matters, no one on this blog is calling for women to be beaten up. Don’t be fucking stupid.

    I am now with a man who loves me, respects me and treats me like (gasp!) a princess (but I treat him like a king!)! We have been together a little over 4 years, we both work and both have the same interests and are grateful we found each other.

    If I would have let my horrible experiences with men (there were more than that one) blind me with hatred, I would have never met my soul mate….my heart would have been too hardened.

    Good, I’m happy for you two. Would be nice if everyone found someone like that. Still doesn’t change the point of my article though. In fact it reinforces it. Hardening to bad experiences is a logical reaction. In fact it’s a survival instinct, like growing thick skin on your feet from using them all the time.

    Staying angry, cynical and hateful will only bring you loneliness and misery… will end up a bitter old man (or woman)…..if you are not already…..though it is never too late to change).

    LOL. I’m not old or bitter, or single. I’m honest. I was like this before I met my chick, and I’m like this now. She knows it too, this isn’t just about my past experiences, this is about all the experiences of my mates with women, my elders with women and almost every guy I’ve ever met, with women.

    Lighten up guys……there are some wonderful women out there…..and giving respect will get you respect, not treating someone like crap until you deem them “worthy” of respect. If you meet someone who puts up with that, then it will be a train wreck of a relationship. If someone does not respect you back, you LEAVE. Keep It Simple Stupid…(KISS).

    This isn’t about treating anyone like crap. It is about not treating them like a princess, until they earn that chivalrous dedication. Until then, she’s just another chick, potentially lovely, potentially a fucked-up, narcisstic bitch.

    I hope all of you are able to overcome your hatred and anger someday…….I did, and felt like a ton was lifted off of my heart….then I met my husband….and no, our relationship is not always roses…..we have our problems, but we work them out, because we have respect and love for one another…..if we ever lost that, then we would have to move on…..there are no guarantees in life, but we can always make the most out of we have….only then will we be truly happy.

    Look, you sound like you’ve got your head screwed on straight, and that’s cool. I wish the best for everyone but I won’t be calmed and chilled out until I’m a free man, and the society I live in respects individuals with equality, not pampering to gender to gain votes and destroy the family unit.

    This blog post is the tip of the iceberg. The more of this blog you read, the more you shall see.

    Thanks for commenting.

  13. Soooo, some of you that are whining about your awful experiences with women, do you not think women have had awful experiences with men?

    I spent 5 years with a man who had similar views are you guys . He broke my nose twice, smashed my face (fractured in 14 places) blackmailed me, and so on and so on. I finally left him, but not without having to file a restraining order, and put him in jail twice. He ended up doing a year after he got caught trying to break into my place.

    I am now with a man who loves me, respects me and treats me like (gasp!) a princess (but I treat him like a king!)! We have been together a little over 4 years, we both work and both have the same interests and are grateful we found each other.

    If I would have let my horrible experiences with men (there were more than that one) blind me with hatred, I would have never met my soul mate….my heart would have been too hardened.

    There are wonderful men AND women out there. There are also very disturbed men and women, equally with both genders. If we take the time to learn from each relationship and recognize red flags instead of letting lust blind you, then you will find your soul mate……

    Staying angry, cynical and hateful will only bring you loneliness and misery… will end up a bitter old man (or woman)…..if you are not already…..though it is never too late to change).

    Lighten up guys……there are some wonderful women out there…..and giving respect will get you respect, not treating someone like crap until you deem them “worthy” of respect. If you meet someone who puts up with that, then it will be a train wreck of a relationship. If someone does not respect you back, you LEAVE. Keep It Simple Stupid…(KISS).

    I hope all of you are able to overcome your hatred and anger someday…….I did, and felt like a ton was lifted off of my heart….then I met my husband….and no, our relationship is not always roses…..we have our problems, but we work them out, because we have respect and love for one another…..if we ever lost that, then we would have to move on…..there are no guarantees in life, but we can always make the most out of we have….only then will we be truly happy.

  14. You’re welcome Phil. Many instances of opinion and position in life are much easily understood when you just take the time to sit back in a calm room and think logically about it.

    In this case, letting a woman choose your attitudes to women is like sitting in a bank and letting the bank manager decide for you, which mortgage you should sign lol

    I don’t think so!

  15. Many thanks for this blog article. It s so reassuring to find I have logical reasons for my mysoginy. I had fallen into the the trap of listening to women saying “how dare you be mysoginist”. Not any more. I can stand up and say it’s a reaction to my experiences of women, which it is! Many thanks.

  16. Fear? LOL

    There is nothing to argue Natalie, these are my opinions borne from study, experience and the combined experience of many men.

    People find it offensive? Well that’s tough, doesn’t stop it being true. You know the truth right? That evil enemy of political correctness and feminism.

    Loveless and lonely – I’m afraid not. Another stereotype of ‘heretics’ who refuse to worship the ‘she’ 🙂

  17. The fear underlying your words is almost palpable from this side of the screen! LOL!
    I won’t try to argue with you as I see it is too late for that.
    I only wish you spent all this energy that endeavors to reinforce this narrow, silly topic towards more productive means.
    And I am sorry that your hostility and resentment has resulted in what I imagine is a loveless and lonely life.

  18. MarkMark, you have no right to call women skanks as they have the right to call you the same.
    Please refrain from badmouthing women, for, as you have seen, I don’t see any women who are badmouthing men on this page.
    Try to keep your emotions in check, this is a place for people to express their opinions in a calm, quiet manner, and your comment has sullied an area for expression of thought.

  19. “I never said men are better than women. I said what you think men want in women, is false. Before you assume to know what men think in future, ask them.”
    I never said that is what men wanted, my boyfriend does not want that, for example, but that it seemed to me that is what you wanted.

    “Any statistics to support this?
    Not that I know of, expect for the number of trash mags and programmes directed at women.
    Try Creating a female market and Low Self Esteem”
    I do not buy fashion magazines, fret about my clothes, or even touch make up. I do not buy things to make me feel better, rather I have a wonderful, supporting boyfriend who doesn’t blame my problems on me being “weak” and who helps me overcome them.

    “Men are a lot more rational and logical. They are much more accepting of reality and that no one is perfect.”
    Again, a lack of factual evidence.

    As for men judging women:

    I am a gamer. I imagine we can agree, that while women are getting into the development industry, games are still largely produced by men.

    (These are probably not all made by males, but there are far more of them in comparison to the one male-made male body mod)

    I wish I had a picture of the gigantic breasts in Silkroad.

    Now, I am not saying most men want this, but clearly, some men do.

  20. I never said men are better than women. I said what you think men want in women, is false. Before you assume to know what men think in future, ask them.

    Any statistics to support this?
    Not that I know of, expect for the number of trash mags and programmes directed at women.
    Try Creating a female market and Low Self Esteem

    ‘Does the Y-chromosome have some sort of judgement-suppressant?’

    Men are a lot more rational and logical. They are much more accepting of reality and that no one is perfect. In general, of course there are some arseholes, but that is always the case.

    Why Women are Never Happy

    • Obviously *you* are not that rational, nor logical, for if you were, you wouldn’t cram us all into one giant group that best suits you, but rather accept us as but mere individuals.

  21. “I never did. Men don’t want perfect beings, they just want women who aren’t narcissistic fucks, and who appreciate things like loyalty, sacrifice and communication. Now who is having emotional comments eh”
    Prove that men are any better than women, then. I also fail to see how my comment was emotional at all. I was essentially saying, “Your argument fails to convince me of anything other than this image.” I wasn’t even saying that was the case, just that you made it come across like that to me.

    “Women, being the irrational emotional things they are, fall for it at a far greater rate than men.”
    Any statistics to support this?

    “Men don’t. Women do.”
    [emotional comment]Ah yes, women suck and men are great.[/emotional comment]

    You again have absolutely no evidence to begin to suggest this. What would even biologically make this the case? Does the Y-chromosome have some sort of judgement-suppressant?

  22. ‘If you want to persuade people other than those who already agree with you’

    I don’t want to. I’m calling it like I see it.

    As it is, to me it just sounds like you believed the impossible standards that are pushed on women and when real women failed to live up to these, instead of accepting them as human like men, you got jaded and blamed them.’

    I never did. Men don’t want perfect beings, they just want women who aren’t narcissistic fucks, and who appreciate things like loyalty, sacrifice and communication. Now who is having emotional comments eh 😉

    I’m not jaded. I assign a probability, based on my experience, on the chance the next chick will be a waste of my time. The more women you meet who exhibit the traits I mentioned above, the less I give a fuck about what the next one says. And so on.

    Society in general holds people up to impossible standards

    No it doesn’t. Corporations/ governments do. They are not ‘society’, they are parasites feeding off of it.

    They make money by using human weakness/ emotional warfare. Women, being the irrational emotional things they are, fall for it at a far greater rate than men.

    ‘Women make up ridiculous standards for men, and men do the same for women.’

    Men don’t. Women do. When you find male-centric poems or pictures talking about being a princess, or how if a man isn’t willing to ‘climb to the top of the tree for her because she’s so wonderful, he isn’t worth it’, let me know.

    • “Women make up ridiculous standards for men, and men do the same for women.” to which you replied Men don’t. Women do.

      Gotta love that hipocracy, obviously as a man you *do* make ridiculous standards for women, because once again you do not accepts women as individuals but rather an entire group to which we all share the EXACT SAME CHARACTERISTICS IDEALS AND WANTS, in life and in men. – you are seriously in need of some really good dosage. Do be sure to check out the Nice Guys under the Deal With It! rants on the right side of the webpage. I wish you the best of luck, your going to need it.

  23. “In the same breath, society (through the media, parenting and schooling) will impart to the girls, statements such as ‘you’re so pretty, all the boys will be climbing over each other to hold your hand’, ‘you’re a princess!’ and ‘you can get any guy you want.’”
    Err…more like, “If you aren’t a perfect, beautiful queen, no man will ever pay attention to you.” I know I certainly never got any message, implied or otherwise, that you post here.

    If you want to persuade people other than those who already agree with you, try using facts and statistics, not emotional opinions and generalizations. As it is, to me it just sounds like you believed the impossible standards that are pushed on women and when real women failed to live up to these, instead of accepting them as human like men, you got jaded and blamed them. Truth is: humans are usually pretty awful, both men and women, but men have the power to blame women.

    Society in general holds people up to impossible standards. There are certainly women who want that rich, muscular man, but these aren’t the kind of people you should associate with or judge all women by. Women make up ridiculous standards for men, and men do the same for women.

    Men have their own problems and stereotypes to deal with, but don’t tell me women don’t have any. In my opinion, the problems are so intertwined that you can’t solve one without solving the other. For example, many men are expected to be virile, sex-crazed, studs, while women are expected to be sexless, prude, and frigid. Both ideas are unfair, unrealistic, and childish and should be taken care of.

  24. Sarah,

    One, you’re under the mistaken impression that we GIVE a shit about getting laid; we don’t, especially with a disease ridden, fucked in the head skank like you! Two, women will fall out of favor for good reason: because they DESERVED it! Though I don’t approve of their methods, I can fully understand why Muslim men keep their women in check; skanks like you are LIVING PROOF as to why…


    • What did she say or do exactly to deserve being called a skank? For what voicing her opinion? For it not agreeing with yours? And you probably don’t care about being laid, but probably because your more content with just using your hand:)

      P.S. What the fuck is up with your name? MarkyMark? Certaintly explains a hell of a lot…

  25. Hee hee! Hilarious! Thanks for giving me a giggle at the beggining of my day! 😀

    Don’t lose hope, I’m sure one day women will “fall out of political favour” once more, and then you’ll be free to mark your will upon us, as the lesser beings we are. You may still not get a good lay, though.

  26. One of the worst things you can do is let your masculinity or male identity be regulated by female opinion.

    In other words, don’t let a woman tell you what a ‘real man’ is. They haven’t got a clue, obviously.

    Most women are not worth the effort to get in the sack. They’re usually shit in bed anyway, used to men doing all the work 🙂

    Concentrate on making your life good for you. Make sure you never put a woman on a pedestal. Treat them as they deserve, not as some fairy tale princess. Ever. Give them respect if they earn it.

    Think about what that woman can do for you, because believe me that’s how they think.

    • “In other words, don’t let a woman tell you what a ‘real man’ is. They haven’t got a clue, obviously.”

      And obviously neither do you, for if you did, you probably wouldn’t feel the need to wallow in your prejudice via internet. GET A CLUE! Most women are still little girls, an adult woman doesn’t want to be treated as your little princess, but as an equal.

      “Think about what that woman can do for you, because believe me that’s how they think.”

      As an ADULT, why don’t you try to do it yourself?

  27. A”MEN” I’m proudly mysoginiwhatever now because today’s a bad time to be a man while women sit on their thrones and enjoy the bias society has towards them. We’re facing an enemy we could easily destroy if we wanted to, but can’t because they’re our daughters and mothers and THEY KNOW IT. That above all is why women today are the worst in history. They know they can get away with their nonsense… What are we to do?

    • Cry me a river, the fact how you blindly announce how PROUD you are to be a mysoynist not only SCREAMS at your percieved lack of intelligence, but then you proclaim how all men have an enemy to fight and how detrimental we are to your survival!!! *THE HORROR*! Paranoid much? Why don’t you as a man use your pair of balls and actually make a difference by standing up to female assholes when they overstep your rights. This is of course under the assumption that there’s anything left of your balls for you to find.

      P.S. Your a MAN, not men, you ought not to insult and punish your gender with your paranoia and lack of intelligence just because your too spineless to face your own prejudices.

  28. Look !- When her skirts are up she can even make that bottle leave the floor and bounce from her head to the lucky mans’ hand.
    That’s reality…post feminism -lol
    Sorry.. FM 😉

    • You are the reason egalitarianism hasn’t yet won its battle. Let me give you a little lesson in history. Misogyny wasn’t created as a backlash to feminism, it was created as a reaction to patriarchy. You remember that part in your history book, where some dick alpha males got together and decided to severely restrict women by stripping them of practically all their rights? And since this treatment of women was so horrific, people had to find ways of justifying male privilege. What better way than by dehumanizing women, turning them into objects for sex, creating virgin-whore dichotomies, saying women were inferior in every way so naturally men should control them.

      Despite the recent rise of feminism and more egalitarian strides, misogyny has found its new beacon to latch itself onto – the media. Funny how you mention there seems to be a hierarchy of women over men. So if boys are supposedly taught that girls are “good” then what are girls taught? That they will be more highly valued for their bodies rather than what they accomplish, that in fact they shouldn’t really try to do anything with their lives, just look pretty and let the menfolk control the world, because in the end men are better at doing things. If you don’t have an idea of what this does to girl’s self-esteem, I’ll clue you in – eating disorders for girls in Fiji went from 3% to 15% after the introduction of western TV shows. Advertisements that treat women as objects and not has humans with feelings, a majority of movies and shows that marginalize women and treat them as background characters to a male-centered story, all these lead to the same implication – that men are better than women.

      If women aren’t oppressed today, then why are women still payed less than men for doing the same job? Why hasn’t there been a female US president since ever? Why is female infanticide still done in China? Why are women still restricted from education and go through honor killings in the middle east? And why is it that pretty much everything in the world is male-dominated, despite women making up half the population? Talk about hierarchy. What do women get out of this sweet deal? Why, they’re expected to become little more than baby-making machines and having little to no say in how the world they live in will be shaped. What I find most ridiculous is the idea that women are the predators of society. Is that why 90 percent of rape victims are female? Is that why men are more likely to kill people than women are likely to kill people? You know, you may be bitter over some ex-wife who sucked you dry of all your money, but at least you don’t have to live in constant fear of being brutally overpowered by a member of a gender who is physically stronger, more aggressive and possibly more violent. Hopefully more and more men will turn to egalitarian and feminist thought, instead of being stuck in the ridiculously archaic blame-mentality and power battles that guys like you are in.

      And don’t kid yourself. Misogyny is defined as hatred, not simple mistrust.

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